Student Target Setting Form

May 23, 2024

The purpose of this targeting setting form is to gather essential information about new students starting your coaching on Metafy. This form enables the coach to understand each student's individual goals, current skill levels, and specific areas they wish to improve. By collecting detailed responses, the coach can tailor their coaching sessions to meet the unique needs of each student, ensuring a more personalized and effective training experience.

Additionally, the form helps in setting clear objectives and tracking progress over time, which enhances student engagement and motivation. Utilizing this form allows the coach to create structured and targeted coaching plans, ultimately leading to better results and higher satisfaction for the students. Therefore, resulting in students rebooking more sessions over time and a better business retention rate for Pros.

How To Use the Student Feedback Form

⚠️ You need to create your own form and not use the link provided if you want to collect responses ⚠️

  • Download the Form and take a look at it.
  • Open google drive in your google account
  • Click New
  • Create a new form

  • Replicate the Metafy Form
  • Add your own questions and modifications if you desire
  • Go to responses and enable “Accepting responses”
  • Press send and grab the link so you can share it with the student after every session

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