Student Feedback Form

April 29, 2024

Student Feedback Form

I don’t think i need to explain the value of getting feedback from users whenever you sell any kind of product or service. But just in case you haven’t gotten a clue, receiving feedback is one of the best ways for you to improve the experience you provide to your customers. 

Metafy has put together a quick 9-question form you can use as a template and send to your students. This form aims to get your students’ perspective on what you are doing well and what you are doing bad so you can get a better understanding of how your service is being perceived.

If the feedback you get is overwhelmingly positive you can use that feedback to attract even more customers. On the flipside, try to reflect on what are the negative aspects of your coaching and analyse to see if you need to make any changes. Keep in mind that not all feedback is valid and all students are biased. So just because you are receiving negative feedback doesn’t instantly mean you have to adjust. Try to be critical around it and ask students to be honest.

How To Use the Student Feedback Form

⚠️ You need to create your own form and not use the link provided if you want to collect responses ⚠️

  • Download the Form and take a look at it.
  • Open google drive in your google account
  • Click New
  • Create a new form

  • Replicate the Metafy Form 
  • Add your own questions and modifications if you desire
  • Go to responses and enable “Accepting responses”
  • Press send and grab the link so you can share it with the student after every session

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