How to Get Started on Metafy

May 13, 2024

How to get Started on Metafy

Metafy is an online platform that helps gamers monetize their passion by providing them various tools to transform their skills into paychecks. There are 3 main ways you can make money on Metafy. 

  • Offering Sessions
  • Creating a Group
  • Selling a Guide (coming soon)

In this article, we’ll go over how to get started on Metafy, how to create an account, set up your profile, create your first products and start earning money.

How to create a Metafy Account.

Creating a Metafy account is very simple and completely free. Once you are on homepage or any other page, look for the yellow button saying “Join Metafy” or “Join” on mobile in the top right corner. 

In the next screen, you can select if you want to sign up with your Google, Twitch, Discord, Facebook accounts or with your Apple ID.

And that’s it. You now have an account. A free metafy account allows you to: 

  • Browse and purchase coaching sessions, 
  • Join any gaming community or group
  • Post and participate in conversations happening on the feed.
  • Browse and purchase guides (coming soon)
  • Fully customize your profile
  • Host free sessions & groups

If you want to start being able to earn money on Metafy you will need a Pro account.

How to upgrade to Metafy Pro

Getting Metafy Pro is as simple as creating a free account and anybody can upgrade their account to Pro status by following the Go Pro buttons that show up all over the website once you are logged in to a regular account. If you are having trouble you can also upgrade to pro here.

Having a Pro account costs $30 / month but allows you to start monetizing your activity and start earning real money through Metafy. There is currently a 14 day free trial for anybody who upgrades to Pro and you are only going to be charged at the end of your trial. You will need to add your credit card information to start the trial but can cancel at any time.


With Metafy pro there are 5 ways you can start earning money.

  • Offer Paid Sessions
  • Create and Manage Paid communities
  • Sell Guides (coming soon)
  • Refer other people to Metafy Pro
  • Offer Add-ons

How to Set up Your Profile

Before being able to sell anything on Metafy, it’s a good idea to set up your profile to look professional so users don’t think you are scamming them. Here’s a few things you should look to add to your profile:

  1. Upload an avatar.
  2. Add a description about yourself
  3. Add a 5:2 cover photo. Recommended 1600x640 px.
  4. Connect your other Social Media Profiles

Once you have filled out the 4 basics of your profile, it’s time to look at adding more with blocks.

Blocks are where the real power of profiles come into play. Your options with blocks are unlimited. You can add images, videos, gifs, banners, links, testimonials, sessions, groups and guides (coming soon).

If you want to start selling sessions, groups or guides on Metafy, it is a good idea to add them to your profile so visitors can easily identify what you are selling and how much it costs. Blocks can be customized to be 1x1, 1x2, 2x1 and 2x2. 

Here's a nifty diagram to show you the dimensions of the blocks

How to create and sell Sessions on Metafy

With the launch of Metafy Pro, creating and selling a session has never been easier. Within minutes you can get started and earn your first bucks on Metafy.

  1. Head on over to your profile.
  2. Edit Profile
  3. Select an empty block
  4. Create your first session in the right-hand side menu.

Create your first Session

Once you’re in the session builder, the process is very simple. You select, the type of session (free or paid), the number of sessions you want your product to have, set their duration, choose a game and put a price. You then want to add descriptions and titles to each individual session and a cover photo if you want it to look even more professional. 

In the second screen you’re going to be asked to price your sessions and add any additional material you desire as “add-ons”.

What are Add-ons?

Add-ons are additional resources you can attach to your sessions and price separately. Perhaps there is something that you want to share with everybody who purchases a session. Something like a custom training routine, gameplay VoDs or an introduction video that you could give to all of your students. Maybe even export your settings somehow and sell those because a lot of people might have been asking for them. The options are only limited by your imagination. You can create as many add-ons as you want and be as creative as you want.


Welcome Questions

Once you’re in the 3rd screen, you’re almost done and ready to share your session with the world. The last step is completely optional and it allows you to add welcome questions that your purchasers need to answer when completing a purchase. Let’s say you sell 1 hour of Rocket League coaching, you might want to know what level your students are or what are some of the things they struggle with so you save time during the actual session.

Think about some questions you find yourself repeating with every student and optimize it by adding questions, or not, completely up to you. 

Once your session has been completed, make sure you add it to your profile so it becomes discoverable and purchasable. If you want to generate a link and share that on your socials or directly with a potential buyer. Go to the session itself and click the share button to copy a sharable link to your clipboard.

Creating a free or paid Group on Metafy

Groups are a brand new way for Metafy Pros to engage with their community and monetize their skills by creating a forum where close connections with their students or audiences can take place. All groups on Metafy are free but group owners can create paid “supporter only” channels that are only accessible to people who subscribe.

Any user on Metafy can create a group but only Metafy Pros can monetize.  

Creating a group on Metafy is very similar to creating a session. 

  1. Click on your profile avatar, 
  2. Head over to manage groups 
  3. Hit the shiny “Create a new Group” button.

Basic Information

Once you enter the group creation editor you need to fill out some basic information such as:

  1. Group name, 
  2. A game for your community 
  3. Logo (400x400 / 1:1 aspect ratio)
  4. Cover image (1600x640 pixels / 5:2 aspect ratio)

Moving on from here, you will need to select the visibility of your group where you have the option to choose between, Public, Private and Unlisted.


  • Public: Any user can discover your group by browsing through the platform and join.
  • Private: While Private, users can discover your group but need to request access before being able to join the conversation or access any of the content inside.
  • Unlisted: Unlisted groups are not discoverable unless people are given direct access to the group via a shared link.

Once you have sorted out the visibility settings desired, you can start looking to create a variety of different channels based on what you want your community to be about. You can create channels for questions, memes, different game topics and even off-topic channels if thats what you desire.

In this step you can also choose which channels should be considered “supporter only” and what would be the price required for those. At the moment you are only able to set a single price for all channels and cannot add multiple tiers at this moment. 

And don’t worry you can always come back to this step and edit channels and turn on/off the supporter toggle.

Inviting People: 

Last step before publishing is to invite some people. You can use the search function to invite other members. Simply start typing their user name and check their name to add them to the invite list. We highly recommend inviting some users right when you create a group so you get those conversations going early and fill out your group with activity.

And that’s it. Simple as that, you can now publish your group.

Start Making Money with Metafy Pro Today

Join Metafy and become a Pro today if you want to start monetizing your gaming skills and start creating a genuine connection with other like-minded gamers. Become a part of the newest revolution in the creator economy dedicated to gamers and communities revolving around your favorite video games.

Unlock UNLIMITED POWER as a Metafy Pro

Metafy Pros can accept payment for their sessions, groups, and guides. Pros also gain access to additional data and resources to grow their business.


Metafy Customers


Paid Out

1 Million+

Impressions per month

OP with Metafy Pro

Becoming a Metafy Pro is like taking one of those psychedelic-looking mushrooms in Super Mario. It unlocks a whole new world of bonus features and resources while allowing you to sell your sessions, guides, and goodies for cold hard cash.
This is your chance to finally get paid what you’re worth.
Become a Pro