How to Clip on Twitch: Easy Steps Every Coach Should Know

May 10, 2024

Twitch is a live streaming platform primarily focused on video games but also featuring streams dedicated to artwork creation, music, and talk shows. It allows users to broadcast their gameplay or creative content live to their audience. Viewers can interact with the streamers through a chat window, allowing for real-time conversation and engagement. Twitch has become one of the largest live streaming platforms in the world, with millions of users and a wide variety of content available. A big part of the Twitch community is Twitch clips. Clips are a way of capturing a part of the stream to share to the community and other social media platforms. In this article we will dive into how you can create Twitch clips of your own stream of your favorite streamers.

Easy Steps to Clip on Twitch Using Your PC or MAC

Steps to start clipping a twitch stream:

  • Start by logging into your Twitch account. Once you have logged in, you can head to the video, vod, or stream that you want to clip.
  • Now choose the video, vod, or stream that you want to clip and start playing it in the video player. Once you have reached the desired moment in the video that you want to make a clip of, hover over the video player and tap the Clapperboard button icon in the bottom-right corner.
  • Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt+X (Windows) or Option+X (Mac) to activate the clipping option.
  • Once you have opened the clips window, use the slider icon to select the section of the video you want to clip. The max length of a twitch clip is 1 minute. 
  • Once you have chosen the length of your clip, now it's time to give your clip a title! For the clip to perform well on Twitch, it's important to give the clip a good title that matches the twitch clip you made.
  • Once you have done that, you can hit publish!

Snagging Twitch Clips: Your Quick and Easy Download Guide

Now that you have made a few clips, maybe you want to download them so you can post them to different social media platforms. Depending on if they are clips from your own stream or as a viewer from another streamer's stream, the method for downloading these clips will be a little bit different. Here we'll breakdown both methods for you!

Steps to download twitch clips of your own stream:

  • Head to the top right corner of Twitch and click on your profile icon to get a few options to choose from. From these options, click on creator dashboard. Your creator dashboard will be where you find everything you need for your twitch channel.
  • Now you want to head to the left side and click on the content icon and then clips to open your clips manager.
  • In your clips manager you will find all of the clips made of your channel by both yourself and your viewers. In your clips manager you can look through your clips and directly download twitch clips of yours.
  • You can choose which clips you want to download and if you want to remove any clips that you feel like- don't need to be there. Whenever you want to download twitch clips of your twitch channel, they will always be found in your clips manager.

Steps to download twitch clips as viewer of another streamer's stream:

  • After you have collected a twitch clip that you want to download, hover over the link and copy the clip's URL from the address bar.
  • Then you want to head over to a website called Clipr. Clipr is a website that you can use to download a high quality version of your twitch clip.
  • Once on Clipr, paste the copied URL into the Clipr text box and hit 'Get Download Link' to download clips.
  • Right-click on the 'Download' button that appears and select 'Save Link As' to save the clip to your chosen location.
  • Now that you can download clips, you can download all of your twitch clips!

Ensuring Success with Clipping on Twitch

Now that you understand how to create twitch clips and how to download them. What is the best way to use twitch clips? Here we'll breakdown what you can be doing with your twitch clips!

  • Featured Clips- Featured clips is a new feature on Twitch where you can choose certain clips on your channel to be featured on your channel. These clips will be the first clips your viewers see under the clips tab. Featured clips is an amazing way for new viewers to get to know you and your channel. Twitch also now shows featured clips outside of just your community. So it serves as a way for you to find new viewers! Make sure to be clipping the favourite moments of your stream!
  • TikTok- A great way of finding new viewers is by posting your clips to different social media platforms, such as TikTok. Twitch actually offers a feature now within the clips manager, where it will automatically take your clip and edit it into a vertical format! Vertical format is how you will post your clips/shorts onto other social media platforms, such as TikTok, YouTube shorts, and Instagram reels! Posting clips to other social media platforms to find new viewers has never been easier, you definitely want to take advantage of this opportunity!
  • Highlights- Other way to showcase your clips is through highlight videos! Once you have downloaded a stockpile of your clips, you can take them and put them together as a highlight video! A highlight video of your clips can be used for many things, You can create a 3-5 minute highlight to use as a trailer for your channel, or to play when you are BRB on stream while you go to the bathroom. Or you can create a 8+ minute highlight video to post onto YouTube! Highlights are another way of using your clips to find new viewers!



A big part of the Twitch community is being able to create clips and relive the best moments of your twitch stream or favorite twitch streams. Now that you know how to download clips, head over to the content you want to download and get posting today!

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