Discover The Top Esports Tournaments of 2024

April 12, 2024

Discover The Top Esports Tournament of 2024

Esports, short for electronic sports, refers to competitive video gaming at a professional level, often organized in leagues, tournaments, or events. Just like traditional sports, esports involve players and teams competing against each other in various video games, ranging from popular titles like League of Legends, Dota 2, and Counter Strike: Global Offensive to a wide array of other genres including sports, racing, and fighting games. These competitions can take place online or in physical venues, attracting millions of viewers globally through live streams and in-person attendance. Esports have gained significant popularity in recent years, with dedicated professional players, coaches, analysts, and teams forming organizations akin to traditional sports franchises, and substantial prize pools offered by sponsors and organizers.

Popularity of Esports

Esports experienced a surge in popularity for several reasons. Firstly, advancements in technology and internet infrastructure have made gaming more accessible to a broader audience, allowing players to compete online from anywhere in the world. Additionally, the rise of streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming has provided a platform for gamers to showcase their skills and personalities, attracting large audiences who enjoy watching competitive gameplay and interacting with their favorite players in real-time. As Esports further evolved many studios invested in an Esports league of their own, such as Blizzard's overwatch league, the Fortnite world cup, ESL pro league, The International for Dota 2, evolution championship series or EVO, RLCS, Valorant Champions Tour, the league championship series, and many more! Another result of the popularity of esports tournaments are conventions, such as Dreamhack or Twitchcon! Dreamhack is one of many conventions that hosts esports tournaments and events! In this article, we'll list many legendary gaming tournaments you can check out today!

Esports Tournaments from Around the Globe


Blizzard Entertainment:

  • Overwatch league- Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter by blizzard entertainment. The Overwatch league had it's inaugural season in 2018 and now consists of 19 teams. Overwatch is a fast paced fps with a vast cast of characters to play. If you are looking for an unique fps experience, Overwatch could be a great start for you!
  • Starcraft ii esports- Starcraft ii is a real-time strategy game by blizzard. Starcraft ii still has a lively esports league to this day. So if you are looking for a unique esports experience, Starcraft ii could be great for you!


  • ESL pro league - ESL hosts esports tournaments for counter strike: global offensive. Counter strike: global offensive is one of the biggest multiplayer tactical first-person shooters of all time. Counter strike: global offensive stills hosts one of the biggest crowds for esports tournaments. If you enjoy fps esports, counter strike: global offensive would be great for you to check out.
  • Blast Premier - Blast premier is another source for you to watch counter strike: global offensive tournaments!
  • Dota 2 - Dota 2 is a moba by Valve. Dota 2 has amassed a large esports audience for it's unique approach to the moba genre that keeps competitive players coming back for more. Dota originally came out in 2003. Since then Dota has only become more popular as time moved on!

Epic Games:

  • Fortnite world cup- You most likely have already heard of Fortnite before. However, Fortnite also has a large esports scene with matching large prize pools. Every year Epic Games holds the Fortnite world cup home to some of the best talent Fortnite has to offer!

Riot Games:

  • League championship series - League of Legends is a very popular moba by Riot Games. League of Legends is home to some of the most popular esports tournaments of all time, with some of the largest prize pools. If you are a fan of the moba genre. League of Legends is definitely an esport that will interest you!
  • Valorant champions tour - Valorant is a 5v5 character-based tactical FPS where precise gunplay meets unique agent abilities by Riot Games. Valorant has exploded with popularity ever since it was released in 2020. The Valorant champions tour is riot games esports league for Valorant. Every year Valorant esports tournaments are more popular than the last. If you are interested in FPS gaming leagues, Valorant is definitely one you should be following! 

Fighting games: 

  • Super smash bros - The Super smash bros esports scene is a very passionate scene. Super smash bros esports tournaments are still run all over the world. As fighting games go Super smash bros has always topped the charts. If you are a fan of fighting games, Super smash bros has lots of esports content you can consume!
  • Tekken- Tekken is another fighting game with a huge esports scene. There are many professional Tekken players and many tournaments held all around the world. If you want more fighting games to follow, Tekken is another great addition!

Additional Games:

  • Rocket League - Rocket league is a game featuring teams of rocket powered cars playing football. Rocket league raised in popularity for it's unique concept. The Rocket league esports scene has only gained popularity has it grew older. If you enjoy esports content, I definitely recommend giving Rocket league a shot!
  • Pubg - Pubg is a battle royale shooter. Pubg was one of the first of it's kind to the battle royale genre. Ever since Pubg gained popularity, a popular esports league followed. If you want some more variety to FPS esports, Pubg is perfect!
  • Call of Duty - Call of Duty has been a popular FPS series for many decades now. The Call of Duty esports league has also been around for a very long time. If you are a fan of Call of Duty, whether it's Modern Warfare, or their battle royale Warzone, you should check out the Call of Duty esports league!

Esport Conventions:

  • Dreamhack- Dreamhack is home to a variety of esports tournaments all in one place! If you have ever want to be able to participate or watch multiple esports all together, then Dreamhack would be perfect for you! Dreamhack is also home to all things gaming. If you want to get more into the esports scene, Dreamhack is a great thing to add to your list!
  • Evolution championship series- The evolution championship series focuses on fighting games esports! If you enjoy fighting games esports, such as Super smash bros or street fighter, then the evolution championship series would be great for you!

How to get into Esports

  1.  Select your game - What game genre do you enjoy? Is it moba, FPS, fighting games, or something else? If you don't know yourself, give them all a shot and see what you enjoy most!
  2. Become part of the community - Once you've decided on the game you want to play, join the community! Meet fellow players and find what you enjoy about it the most!
  3. Hone your skills - If you want to make it pro in a game, you are going to have to practice a lot! Create yourself a practice routine, vod review your footage, and learn from others!
  4. Compete in Tournaments - Once you feel ready, it's time to start competing! Search around and find local tournaments you can start competing in! Everyone starts somewhere!


Esports is only going to get more popular as time goes on. If there was ever a time to get interested in Esports it's now! If you plan on becoming a new fan of Esports, I hope you enjoy watching your favorite game at the highest level! If you are looking to compete in Esports, I hope to see you on the stage soon! 

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